Tax Refund Rate:
50% Online or ATX Shops || 70% eShop (paying with PayPal, Cash or Venmo)
1. Shop in TX
2. Schedule and Get your Refund
3. Travel Internationally
It is that EASY!
2. Schedule and Get your Refund
3. Travel Internationally
It is that EASY!
We are the first Tax-Back Service for international travelers in Austin, Texas, operating from the UT Austin Campus at Dobie Mall (Hook'em!).
We refund TX Sales Tax for your purchases according to the following stores (rates):
1. eShop (70% - ONLY PP, Cash or Venmo);
2. Participating Austin,TX Physical Stores (50%);
3. Major Online Retailers (50%).
Whenever you are ready, Schedule your Tax Refund. *ONLY BY APPOINTMENT*

Shop Tax Refund Service
i. Our refund service is for non-US Residents buying in Texas (including our eCommerce) and exiting the U.S.A. INTERNATIONALLY;
ii. Bring your passport, original receipt and travel documentation (airplane ticket or reservation) to complete your Sales Tax refund when you pick up your merchandise. See Full Details;
iii. We only Process Refunds by appointment. Schedule your Refund;
iv. We refund 50% (Online or ATX) or 75% ( eShop) of your taxes. Our goal, however, is to eventually achieve a larger scale that allows us to refund 100% of your Taxes *True Duty-Free*;
Inventory for Tax-Free eShop: If you require an item NOT currently offered in the Inventory, please email: (we can include things and match prices from Amazon, BestBuy, and B&H Photo among others);
(Updated Oct, 2024), All your brands, Duty-Free

About our Founder.
Hello, I'm Jose Maria Yrigoyen and I have a passion for a very specific subject, taxes! I'm originally from Mexico, where I studied law and worked in a "Big 4 firm" consulting in, you guessed it, taxation. Then, I came to Texas to complete my MBA at UT's McCombs School of Business (Hook'em!) and start in Texas.
Growing up, one of the most intriguing memories I have is one during a family's shopping trip to Texas. I remember being fascinated by getting reimbursed some money (albeit, after a LONG line of people going through legal proceedings and paperwork) in our shopping just because we brought our purchases back home (what a great deal!).
That is why I decided to found I am convinced that with the use of 21st Century technology, Innovation and focus on you, the International Traveler, we can eventually reach our Vision, to offer a True, Convenient and 100% Tax-Free shopping experience with a virtually unlimited Inventory.